Diabetes Care Center

Help us educate our members

Join us in empowering our members to take personal control of their diabetes treatment by directing them to these important resources:

Diabetes Self-Management Programs

Our members can feel better and avoid adverse effects of diabetes by making a commitment to healthy lifestyle choices. A self-management program will help our members learn strategies to help them live healthier lives.

ADA and AADE Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs

The ADA (American Diabetes Association) and AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) have certified self-management programs to educate members on the importance of managing their care, keeping appointments, adhering to medication, maintaining a healthy diet, exercise and more.

Gym Memberships

The Make Every Calorie Count program helps qualified members (adults or children) manage their diet and weight. Your Care Manager will review the program and qualifying criteria with you, to determine if you meet program criteria and if it is right for you. For qualified members, Make Every Calorie Count is available at no cost. Enrolled members gain extra benefits, including: 
  • Fitness club membership. 
  • A pedometer. 
  • A tape measure. 
  • A daily food and activity log book. 
With Make Every Calorie Count, the program can help you decide what is best for you. You can still enjoy your favorite foods and activities. We’ll help you find small things you can do every day to help your health. You’ll also learn about food and nutrition, fitness and exercise, and staying motivated.